
follow Chagall l- the caves of the heart

jhkmsn 2019. 12. 25. 12:42

Follow Chagall


10 days or so before the performing day, we know, Inu received from the two mentioned above the emails saying Helena could not participate in the March event in Masan. And also that he could not stop it as everything in preparation for the event was reaching on its last phase. As so was the the process of the the situation that he could not but let it go on to the end. So inevitably he decided to pick one of Korean flamenco dancers in Seoul as the alternative of Helena. on internet he searched out a dancer catching his eyes. So he did not lose to contact her by email first introducing himself and explaining why he wrote this email. The next day in the early morning when it was snowing hard and fast he took a train for Seoul and hastened to her studio to persuade her to participate in the performance. Fortunately she gave a ready consent to his earnest request that she should come to Masan. She did her role wonderfully, much better than expected, All in the hall were wildly excited to see her dancing even though flamenco was unfamiliar to them. Needless to say, Inu as the producer was greatly happy at the result of the performance. She was no other than Nadyne.

Inu was greatly fortunate to let the performance go on withthe Korean dancere as the key performer. on the performance evening the hall was filled up to capacity with the audience and he enjoyed their hot claps in applause. It was probably owing tof the curious attraction of the exotic flamenco dance yet unknown here in this area, brilliant guitar rhythm accompanying the major dancer of rare personal beauty that the hall was filled with heat. And another important thing was there added to make the event much more meaningful. It was the deep sound of a pansory singer who was singing Jindo-Arrirang, a Korean traditional song .Many of them there got moved to tears, listening to her singing it. In particular, prior to singing the song, she read a short phrase of message in place of 7 key members leading this event as follow:

We are here tonight to cherish Kim Yong Shil, one of heroes shot on the street to death in front of the crowd of angry citizens participating in the Resistance Movement on the night of 15th of March ,1960. We are sorry that for 50 years we have been with this way or that indifferent to you. We who are alive now have a debt to pay to you.Will forget it no morei. Proud of you, our classmate!

Later every reader of this story would be informed of that he was really happy to it go on with Nadyne as the key peformer successively for 3 years.

As the moving sight of the successful performance titled ' Night of Flamenco and Pansory' was lingering in his mind, it prevented him from thinking of Helena for a while. only a couple of weeks after, he could be reminded of her and the last email from her and another from Marcha. So he did reply to Marcha , but not to Helena.

April 2, 2011

Hello, Maricha.

How are you doing?

I feel so much sorry that I kept silence to your email of Feb. 14.

Please be broad-minded. At that moment I could'nt do it ,

as I was completely at a loss before a meaningful performance

in Masan as the plan maker.

At that moment I really wanted to escape away from the city,

not knowing what to do.

How is Laurena?

I feel sad thinking of her.

Now is she much better?

And I have to say one thing that I always keep with good emotion in mind. It is the Andalusian culture and flamenco dance I experienced personally in Jerez together your husband and his Gypsies relatives . The spiritual sound of flamenco thythm and their cante. It will remail in my mind through my life hererafter, as it used to go with me. As for Helena, in a appropriate time will email to her whom I love as a bailaora

Feeling at easy with the lingering enhanced emotion after performance of March 11th.



Writing the email to Marisha , he was calling to his mind Helena dancing on the stage of a theatre in Portland 10 years ago. Strange to say, at that moment he was reminded of a brief phrase written about Chagall by Jean Grenier:' Follow Chagall , then the painer should guide whereever you want to go'. It was probably because 10 years beofre in 2001 staying at Portand he had had a dreamy vision of 'A pair of young lovers ' by the painter overlapping Helena dancing flamenco under the stagelight . As for Chagall , an art historian especially took note of the painter's brilliant color sense, saying "Chagall will be the only painter left who understands what colour really is".

In retrospect, Inu said, the stage of Helena in the past day was the very painting of Chagall. In it was painted the sky garden alive in his mind floating on the gravity-free air and the two lovers flying over the sky blue hand in hand following happy birds with colorful feathers. The guitar rhythm and palmas sound was accompanying her dancing. With her black eyes toward a remote blue sky of full of dreams beyond the earthly space of the hall , she began to rise from the seat, raising her slender arms up and drawing arch forms with her arms and hands in the air over her head to the guitar accompaniments. Soon after a sudden and a short stop of her movements. she concentrated her steps of zapateados getting more powerful and more colorful. Her brilliant footworks in ecstacy to keep on moving with guitar accompanied!

In such memories of her Inu suddenly felt an irresistably strong desire to express something about her in words. He said to himself:

What was it that let him be captivated to Helena at that time?

Flamenco dance,or her beauty?

Anyway it is clear that at the very moment of writing to Marcha ,

he irresistibly let his mind flying toward on the night stage in the past where Helena, a young flamenco dancer too exotic and elegant for him to come closer. was dancing.

By nature, the so-called stage, in particular a theatrical art stage curiously turns into a magical world quite different from the earthly place. It is when the important factors under the stage light with visually dramatic movements in harmonization with one another captivates the eyes and souls of spactators that such a dream-like phenominon happens. When Inu saw at first time Helena dancing the stage , so was it.

5 or so years after, he experienced once again such a personal feeling. What a wonderful thing it was to have another rare chance to see her dancing , this time in Masan, his hometown! Looking back upon the very moment when she was dancing Morning Dew, a Korean pop song, in flamenco on the stage which he himself planned , he said as below:

Siguiriya baile in deep sadness her elegant body is expressing.

Contrapuntal drumming rhythms of her strong footwork she was concentrating on in a duende phenominon.

Her black eyes to let spactators stop their breathing.

Magic lines and colors of the sound created by his fingers of Bob, guitarist.

Such were what he mummered to himself at her stage of Masan. His being moved by it was much deeper than before at Portland! With her Masan performance as a momentum Inu travelled to Spain alone. In spain he encountered Garcia Lorca, Andalucian poet through his poems, speculating about the spiritual mind of gypsies living in Andalusia beyond Decartes' philosopical thought of 'co gito ergo sum', and also trying to understand duende, an elemental factor of flamenco.

As a matter of fact, on the base of the flamenco performance in Masan cherishing Kim young shil, young hero of 315 Masan anti-government Resistance Movement was there laid Inu's personal career on flqmenco as an important factor.

If he had not met flamenco and Helena, a bailaora dancing flamenco, he said once, he would not be what he is. And he also said that since he happened to know Garcia Lorca, the above-mentioned Spanish poet, he often have read aloud to tears in deeply moved emotion one of Garcia Lorca's on Ignacio Majias, a matador and bailaor, whom the poet himself as a sincere flamencologist loved with great respect as follows:.

' Absent Soul '

The bull does not know you, nor the fig tree,

nor the horses, nor the ants in your own house.

The child and the afternoon do not know you

because you have dead forever.

The shoulder of the stone does not know you

nor the black silk, where you are shuttered.

Your silent memory does not know you

because you have died forever

The autumn will come with small white snails,

misty grapes and clustered hills,

but no one will look into your eyes

because you have died forever.

Because you have died for ever,

like all the dead of the earth,

like all the dead who are forgotten

in a heap of lifeless dogs.

Nobady knows you. No. But I sing of you.

For posterity I sing of your profile and grace.

Of the signal maturity of your understanding.

Of your appetite for death and the taste of its mouth.

Of the sadness of your once valiant gaiety.

It will be a long time, if ever, before there is born

an Andalusian so true, so rich in adventure.

I sing of his elegance with words that groan,

and I remember a sad breeze through the olive trees.

(from 'Lament for Ignacio Sanches Majies' Garcia Lorca)

As briefly mentioned above, after the winter event of flamenco with Helena dancing in Masan in the year of 2006, he had a 2- months trip alone to Spain out of sheer desire to feel and see Andalusian flamenco on the spot.He did it with his heart filled with an intense aspiration for flamenco.

As for Spanish he stayed barely in the low state of understanding the elementary greammer. Regardless of such the fatal inconvience, on booking a hostel room he hurried to fly to Madrid, with a rucksack on his back full of only one aspiration of seeing and feeling flamenco on the spot..

With a book titled "!Flamenco!" found at a bookstore in the downtown of Madrid, on one hand, he travelled around the cities of Andalusia, that is, Granada, Seville, Jerez and Cadiz. In Spain the only resting place for him poor at Spanish was the hostel. Because the language available in hostel was English, the best place for him to stay safe and comfortable was the hostel. Most of all, the best merit hostel enjoyed was that the place was greatly cheaper than any hotel. He already knew well that there were hostels in almost cities . So he could wander about every city alone without the guide free from any particular care

And also he wandered around with thinking of Helena in his heart.He emailed first of all to her after checking in at the front of the hostel .It meant that he was deeply moved by her rrapid eply to his email sent to her from the city he stayed the previous night, Such was his flamenco journey to Andalusia.