
플라멩코이야기 2-19

jhkmsn 2014. 8. 3. 12:50

            춤추며 돌아온 바다

 Lau의 마산공연이후 몇년이 지난 2012년 스페인 그라나다의
댄서 Juana가 인문의 초청으로 마산으로 오기로 결정되고 이를
위한 계약서에 서로 서명까지 마쳤었다. 그 진행과정은 아래의 
이메일에 담겨있다.  
그녀와의 이에밀 교신은, 포틀란드의 Lau가 이곳으로 오기로
예정되었던 일이 무산되면서부터 시작되었던 것이다.
그렇지만 결국엔 그녀의 마산 방문마저 이루어지지 않았다.
그 싯점에 그녀가 탑승한 비행기는 한국의 서울행이 아니라,
불가피하게도 남미 에르헨티나의 부에노스아이레스 행 비행기
도시에 살던 그녀의 아버지의  장례식에 참석하기
위해서였던 것이다.  
Dear Juana
This is Joon, the author of 'The Flamenco Story',
who saw in Granada you and your performance twice .
 I remember now your  baile which I saw 4 years ago.
This year we had a wonderful flamenco recital
performed by Korean flamenco artists
here in Masan ,South Korea .
Next year in March we are scheduled to have another flamenco performance
to cherish the momory of the anti-dictatorship movement heroes here,
this time with Spanish bailaora , if possible, whom we hope to invite from Spain.
May I contact you by email as ever ?
Or may I  contact any flamenco artist ,
with whom I can share ideas in this relation?
I would appreciate your reply,
Hello, Soledad.
If Juana come here to dance here next year on March ,
She would be payed by visa the first half of  the payment in advance,
and the 2nd half to Juana in cash( euros or usd) on the very night of the
the memorial performance.
Re an air ticket, I would pay it by visa ( euros or usd).
Pls let me know about how much and when  and to whom to pay it.
She would be picked up  at Inchon airport
 to be escorted by me to the destination, Masan by KTX train. 
Re hotel or meals,
There would be nothing  for her to worry aboud them.
I would pay hotel charge, every meal( breakfast, lunch and dinner)
and drink. she would be given warm hospitality as a special guest.
And also she would fly back home at Inchon airport 
safe under the same warm escort as a special guest.
Years ago an American bailaora and a Spanish bailaora came here
 as such a guest performer.
As the circumstance is now, the main performance day is not yet fixed.
We hope it to be 2 nights between 10th and 13th of March, 2012.
Juana is expected to dance 2 nights,
1st on the previous night on the stage of a smaller hall , and
2nd on the very night of the main performance.
Would you want me to write and sign a form of the contract you like?
pls let me be informed of it,.
In this regard, I am ready to accept any appropriate form you like,
whether an exchange of an agreement or note, or a form of contract.
Any question?
Waiting for your reply,
 Monday, August 29, 2011 1:29 AM
Subject: contract details

Dear moon,

 I´m Soledad Gallardo (Juana s manager).

Please can  you send us a contract that specifies:

-  If there is  a need of an entry visa for South Korea? 
(Juana has Spanish nationallity)

-  Air Ticket from Granada to Korea (including flight connection in Madrid).

- Transport from airport to Hotel someone taking Juana from airport
to Hotel (or taxi) on her arrival and the day she leaves.  

- Hotel (minimun 2 nights)

- Reservation in Hotel (in advanced), name and adress of Hotel. 

- Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) if she ll get the cash for Meals or
 if there will be  an arrangement with Hotel Restaurant or other).

- Payment (transference, check, cash?) in euros?
 Can she be payed half (350 euros) before leaving Granada and
the rest 350 the night of the show ?

Any doubts, please contact us.

Yours Sincerely,

'연작산문' 카테고리의 다른 글

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