5.Seven minutes of Chaconne
In Madrid a street guitarist playing Chaconne, Bach
in front of the museum building,
Such tonality! Such phrasing! Is there anyone who can compare with Segovia's masterful interpretations of classical masterpieces such as Bach's Chaconne? There is no one who has not even come close to Segovia intonations of chords, notes, and phrasing of music. And yet, with all his great masterful recordings he made not one has reached the virtuosity level and mastery of playing the guitar, as Segovia has done to the art of the classical guitar. He is in a level of playing the classical guitar that all virtuosic guitarist dream of some day playing. There is no other guitarist like Andres Segovia! There have been many classical guitarist since his departure; but not even they have been able to match his recordings and style of playing. He is unmatched, unsurpassed, and unrivaled. No one has come close to his level of technique, his great understanding of transcribing other composers works to the guitar, nor his level of awareness of sound he produces on the guitar. He belongs in the category of the great virtuoso performers such as Liszt, who apart from being a composer was a transcriber of music. Segovia, like Liszt not only helped to make their instruments popular, but also helped to showcase other works from composers. Segovia has certainly done this. He has not only made the classical guitar more popular, but has also helped to make known the beautiful works of other composers. How? By transcribing them to the guitar, and performing them with such Mastery. Bravo Segovia! Bravo!
Chaconne of J.S. Bach is called " the greatest structure for solo violin that exists.
Violinist Joshua Bell has said the Chaconne is "not just one of the greatest pieces of music
ever written ,but one of the greatest achievements of any man in history. It's a spiritually
powerful, emotionally powerful, structurally perfect" He played the piece
in L'Enfant Plaza for the Washington Post.
Such tonality! Such phrasing! Is there anyone who can compare with Segovia's masterful interpretations of classical masterpieces such as Bach's Chaconne? There is no one who has not even come close to Segovia intonations of chords, notes, and phrasing of music. And yet, with all his great masterful recordings he made not one has reached the virtuosity level and mastery of playing the guitar, as Segovia has done to the art of the classical guitar. He is in a level of playing the classical guitar that all virtuosic guitarist dream of some day playing. There is no other guitarist like Andres Segovia! There have been many classical guitarist since his departure; but not even they have been able to match his recordings and style of playing. He is unmatched, unsurpassed, and unrivaled. No one has come close to his level of technique, his great understanding of transcribing other composers works to the guitar, nor his level of awareness of sound he produces on the guitar. He belongs in the category of the great virtuoso performers such as Liszt, who apart from being a composer was a transcriber of music. Segovia, like Liszt not only helped to make their instruments popular, but also helped to showcase other works from composers. Segovia has certainly done this. He has not only made the classical guitar more popular, but has also helped to make known the beautiful works of other composers. How? By transcribing them to the guitar, and performing them with such Mastery. Bravo Segovia! Bravo!
Dear Casioppe!
Bach 음악은 제가 첼로곡을 중심으로 자주 들었던 것 같습니다.
춤곡 같기도 한 어느 첼로 선율의 그 기품어린 선율과 깊이감 탓이었을 것입니다.
특시 그 saraband곡은 우아한 단선이 일품이지요.
얼마전 바이올린주자 이츠학 플만이 연주하는 바흐 곡 chaconne를 듣고부터
이 곡을 그 연주자의 독주를 통해 자주 듣습니다.
단조 특유의 서늘항 비애감이 그 첫 흐름에 두드러지게 느겨지는 part 2가
그래서 내년 추모공연의 8분 무대의 춤곡을 그 곡으로 삼게되었습니다.
불행과 아름다움?!
비인간적인 아름다움의 냉혹함을 생각할 때 제게는
그 독무의 고독감 짙은 울림이 먼저 떠올랐습니다.
제 기억으로는 청년기에는 Beethoven곡을 자주 가까이 했습니다.
그의 피아노 콘체르토 5번은
1악장의 그 거침없는 영웅적 기개로 인해,
그리고 푸치니의 오페라 la boheme은 그 감미로운 슬픔의 아리아로 인해
그 두 곡을 함께 좋아했던 시절도 있었습니다.
요즘은 자주 바흐를 듣습니다.
베토벤의 violin sonata romance 를 자주 듣던 중 우녀히 바흐의 이 바오오린 솔로
곡을 듣게된 이래로 바하의 이 독주를 자주 듣습니다.
그 곡은 무반주 cello곡으로, 또는 기타 연주로도 자주 듣습니다.
기타곡으로는 John Feely의 곡을 좋아합니다.
그 기타리스트의 솔로 곡은 우리들이 삶에서 맛보는 ,
저편 길 모퉁이로 사라지며 보내는 어떤 이별의 손짓입니다.
그 소리는 시간이 흐를수록 감미로워지는 쓰디쓴 회상의 소리입니다.
이에 비해 perlmann의 바이올린 독주는 소년이 혼자 혼자 몰래 좋아하는
소녀의 가슴찌르는 검은 시선입니다. 예리한 비수입니다.
오늘은 휠체어에 몸을 의존하여 연주하는 따스한 표정의 그 독주자의
chaconne 독주에 마음을 빼앗기고 있습니다.
선율을 타고 흐르는 숨죽인 흐느낌!
그 절제된 비애감.
그의 독조 선율에 눈시울 붉어지기도 합니다.
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