
Landscapes Invisible-책소개

jhkmsn 2020. 11. 20. 12:03

제와 친한 고등학교 선배님께서 책을 내셨네요. 문학적 감수성이 남다른 분입니다. 미국에 유학 한 번 다녀온 적이 없는데도 영어로 작품을 써 미국 출판사에서 출판하였습니다. 오늘 아마존에 들어가 한 권 구매하였습니다.- 노명호-


저자: Joon Kim

출판사: Authorhouse

요약: 플라멩코 이야기.


현재 Amazon 과 Barnes& Noble 판매중

Author: Joon Kim

Born 1944 at Masan, Kyung Nam Do

Msan High School, graduated 1963

Yunsei University in Seoul, graduated 1972

Bachelor of Political Science

-Via a period of studying at KyungNam Univ./ Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies-

Kyung Buk Univ. in Dae Gu, Korea graduated 1992

Doctorate of International Politics


4 English Books in English translated into Korean and published: Détente of The Rise and Fall by Richard W. Stevenson on the international politics, Cold war or Détente in the 1980s by Peter Savigear on the international politics, Café Society by Steve Bradshaw on literature and arts, Modern and Primtive Art by Wentinck on 20th century art

15 books written in Korean and published:

Chang Dong In Blue( 7 books) in a series from 1995 to 2019 on art and literature, The Sea of Gu Gang 1995, Journey and Deep Song on literature 2002 etc.

Autobiographical novel titled ‘Landscapes Invisible’ written in English and published 2020 by AuthorHouse

Reference: website, http://www.hstlrjh.com

-Genre- Drama

Best Medium for Adaptation: Independent feature film

Setting: Oregon, Korea, Seoul, Spain, Granada, Russia

Pages: 132

Period: 2001 – present day


Landscapes Invisible은 한 한국인 여행자의 플라멩코에 대한 사랑 이야기이다. 이 이야기속에는 여행자와 플라멩코 댄서와의 긴 이메일 우정을 바탕으로 플라멩코 춤과 음악에 대한 개인적 체험이 담겨 있다. 글 속의 이메일 교신이나 대화에 담긴 플라멩코의 춤이나 음악은 독창적인 방법을 통한 철학적 사색의 표현이다. 만약 영화화된다면, 시각적 액션의 분위기가 다소 미흡하므로 시나리오 작성 과정에서 이런 점을 보안할 필요가 있다. 아니면, 등장인물의 내면성 추구에 초점을 맞춘 예술 영화화 하는 게 바람직히다.

LANDSCAPES INVISIBLE is a lovely introspective character study of a Korean man who found a therapeutic love of flamenco that launched a strong friendship with an American dancer. It contains lots of philosophical discussions about dance and music, told within the structure of letters and what is, essentially, a travel log. It’s certainly a creative way to talk about a visual medium like dance without being able to show it, and will no doubt be a hit with fans of dance generally, and flamenco specifically. However, it faces a few obstacles before it would be ready for a film/TV adaptation. One of those is that most of the action is very internal. Inu travels, but he has thoughtful, mostly pleasant interactions with the people he encounters. He produces dance performances, but the performances themselves are largely skipped over, while Inu muses on his relationships with the dancers he knows. It’s a lovely, gentle read for a book, but very difficult to portray on film. Most of the action in the book is talking or thinking about dance and music.


1. Brief summary

Brief Summary:

Inu falls in love with flamenco when he sees Helena dance. He starts up a friendship with her that lasts over the years. Periodically they lose touch when she has mental health issues that force her to quit dancing and cut off social contact, but they always reconnect, and she always returns to her first love of dance.



A Korean lover of flamenco dance ponders his life choices and his friendship with an American dancer who moves in and out of his life, just as she does the dancing world.



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