
A personal flamenco journey 9

jhkmsn 2014. 10. 4. 12:14


               2. Andalusian cities in Spain


In Italy Monet had remarkably little curiosity about new cities or cultures for the sake of novelty and was no tourist at all. He did not feel tempted to go sightseeing. Monet's drive to discover new and diverse sources of motifs was for one purpose only: to paint.




Madrid, Feb., 2006


fm: Gohk


To: Joon




An Yeoung!


After landing in Madrid, safe and sound, I sit at an internet cafe,


recalling Monet's way of traveling you told me:




In Italy Monet had remarkably little curiosity about new cities or cultures for the sake of novelty and was no tourist at all. He did not feel tempted to go sightseeing. Monet's drive to discover new and diverse sourses of motifs was for one purpose only: to paint.




Where ever I go in Spain, I will keep it in mind,


together with flamenco in one corner of it


and the pen in a pocket.




In Mad Hostel








Granada, Feb., 2006 


Dear Lau:




I am here in Granada, feeling sorrowful at a jewel of
abstraction, light-blue and white, twinkling in a
desert of vicissitudes of our life.

Standing before a certain dawn of Granada, the sky of
which is covered with thick black clouds,  


Thinking of You,






Granada, Mar., 2006
Hi, Lau


How are you doing?


Just a note to say hola!

With the Gran Via calle of Granada as a center of my
temporary resident, I am enjoying a tramping life
here, some in loneliness and some in sweet freedom.,
A night in a cafe sipping Sherry, vino of Jerez product,
another in a flamenco tableau listening to flamenco cante,


I have appreciated the exotic air of this city, warm and sweet.

And a day I have been to Malaga by bus


in order to see the Mediteranean sea only ,


and another day I had a nice lunch at a street cafe in Seviila


full of arabic atmosphere.

Last night I tried 2 times in vain, probably owing to
the internet problem, to contact Sasha,


a Spainish friend of yours.

I will have about 10 days more in this city reading
´the tales of Alhambra´ by Washington Irving I love.

See you,






Portland, March. 2006


Dear Gohk!
Oh my goodness!  I am so excited for you! 


Granada is a magical  city-you will love it so very much. 


While I love the Flamenco of Jerez  most,


Granada as a city is my favorite of all.
I cannot wait to hear about your adventures. 


Please be safe and  enjoy!


We do not have our daughther yet, there were some
 complications with the  adoption process,


but we are trying to be patient!




Cadiz, Apr. , 2006




Dear Lau:




Cadiz is coming closer to me


 as a city of light,


sea sound,


and wind on the top of the trees.




Granada was going farther behind


as a city of shadow, silence, and grey glory.


I am excited in Cadiz


as if in my boyhood,


to imagine seagulls flying over me,


and the shining silver backs of fish


that I used to enjoy.




I was triste at dawn black in Granada


to see in the dream my mother


looking at me in silence


and be reminded of a saying:


I Taste blood in my mouth


when I sing deep song as I pleased.




At a hostel named Casa Caracol










Portland, Apr., 2006


Dearest Gohk 


  I am so excited that you are wandering in Andalucia!


I wish that I  could be  there to experience it with you-


it is a magical place! 


I am sure  you are  finding all the inspiration


that you need to create your next  work.


Thinking of you!








Cadiz, Apr., 2006


 Dear Lau 




<In a hostel of Cadiz named Casa Caracol 


I send by email a poem,


the inspiration of which hit me at my days in Cadiz>   







I see in the desolate desert of black gravels


Granada, a grand marble of geometrical abstraction,
light and shadow of our existential life.

I see in the darkness of a deep-clouded midday
a surprising dawn of poetic dim twilight
some in fear
some in wonder.

I hear two girls on the street
one of whom enchants my eyes
with her twinkling white gem of a smile
on her egg-shaped face
talking to each other
which is to my ears just rhythmic sound.

It is a tragedy for the beauty
to be alive
a moment destined to be nothing
like morning dews
like the glory of Granada.

Longing for the sea,










Cadiz, Mar., 2006


< In Cadiz I send a email to Lau


on the sceneries of Cordoba and Granada.>




Hi Lau!


Today I made a long bus trip to Seville via Cordoba.


I Returned to Granada in the evening, when a poem of garcia,


<Cordoba , remote and lonely>, burst on me.


Perhaps the image of the triste scenery, kept alive in my mind,


of the bare and shrub-covered slopes which I had passed


through along toward Cordoba, the old city of the Moors,


seemed to present it for this simple wanderer.



distant and alone.

Black pony, big moon,
olives in my saddlebag.
Though I know these roads,
I’ll never reach Córdoba.

Through the plains, through wind,
black pony, red moon,
death watching me
from the high towers of Córdoba.

Ay! What a long road.
Ay! What a brave pony.
Ay! Death, you will take me,
on the road to Córdoba.

distant and alone.




In love of you as a bailaora








Cadiz, Mar., 2006


Dear Lau:




Cadiz is coming closer to me


as a city of light,


sea sound,


and wind on the top of the trees.




Granada was going farther behind


as a city of shadow, silence, and grey glory.




I am excited in Cadiz


as if in my boyhood,


to imagine seagulls flying over me,


and the shining silver backs of fish


that I used to enjoy.




I was triste at dawn black in Granada


to see in the dream my mother


looking at me in silence


and be reminded of a saying:


'I Taste blood in my mouth


when I sing deep song as I pleased.'




At a hostel named Casa Caracol














Spain, Mar., 2006


To: Joon Kim


Fm: Gohk




AnYeoung, Joon!


In Seville at the bus terminal, I am scribbling, my back on a tree, a note of impression on the capital of Andalusia. During my stay in Spain I have been here in Seville 2 times, but I just hesitated at the outer block of this city ,failing to go inside to the downtown.



Whenever I stopped here, the first thing I had to do was, strangely enough, to buy the tickets for the last bus for the day to my destinations, the first time to Granada and the second time to Cadis. You know, I am a just Liberal-minded traveler here in Spain!




Were I given a chance to visit this city next time, I would never fail to go inside to the downtown in order to visit to two places: one is the bullring where bullfighter Ignacioa Sanchez Mejias was killed to death, and the other the Cemetery of San Fernando where he lies buried.








‘ Nobody knows you. But I sing of you.


For posterity I sing of your profile and grace.


Of the signal maturity of your understanding.


Of your appetite for death and the taste of its mouth.


Of the sadness of your once valiant gaiety.




It will be a long time , if ever, before there is born


an Andalusian so true, so rich in adventure.


I sing of his elegance with words that groan


and I remember a sad breeze through the olive trees.


( by Garcia Lorca)



Thinking of a friend and aesthete










Cadiz, Apr., 2006


Hi, Lau.


with concentration on the seasound,


I have spent 5 days here in Cadiz ,


the city of the old castle surrounded by sea. 


I have been to Morroco today


via Tarifa, land of the wind,


crossing the Gibraltar Strait,


which holds the Atlantic ocean on one side and


the Mediterranean sea on the other side.




While Granada was, to my mind, a cave of flamenco,


Cadiz is a dry and antique castle of sea wind




At cadiz,


feeling again the deep sea fever I had as a pain in my youth,
















Cadiz, Apr.,2006


Hola, Lau:

Now I am greeting the last night in Cadiz,
intoxicated with seasound n glasses of vino blanco.
Tomorrow I will be in Jerrez, the land of sherry n Buleria.









Portland, Apr. 2006

Oh dear Gohk! 


Thank you for letting me experience
once again the  wonder of Andalucia through your emails!
Much love,










Jerez. Apr., 2006


 Dear Lau:


Buenos dias!


It is in Jerez that I understood more what flamenco is in essence through unaccompanied cante. And it is here in Jerez that I could resist the temptation of tabaco no more. It is also in Jerez that I read a quotation of deep song as below: 




 Una noche oscurita  


 Yobiendo estaba; 


 Con la lus e tus ojos  


 Yo m alumbra




One dark night


In the falling rain,


By the light in your eyes


I lit my way




Baile of Jerez seems to me much deeper and more imaginative in art


than those of any other cities where I stayed in Spain.




Smelling tabaco in the pocket,












Madrid, Apr., 2006


Dear Lau


I am  back again safe ,but Sangria-drunken  in Madrid


thinking of my precious Spain trip.




Madrid will be remembered as a city of rain. The first night in this city into which I was going by taxi from the airport, it was drizzling. And now again I am looking at the scene outside drizzling through the window of Secorbus running back to this city. 




Granada would be a city of artificial caves forf lamenco filled with past legends of glory which Washington Irving loved. 




Cadiz by the roaring sound of the sea reminded me of a pier scenery of Moby Dick written by Hermann Melville.




Malaga was a triste city where I breathed in the sweet sea smell


for the first time since my Spain trip for Flamenco.




Jerrez was an inspiring city ,full of sherry  smell, keeping flamenco as what it is in essence, indispensible for my writing .Thinking of the saying by a flamenco : 'flamenco is the tragety in the first person'.










Portland, Apr., 2006


 Dear Gohk


  I am so glad you have made your way to Jerez, my home away !  


I am even more happy to hear from you that you are safe 


and that you are fulfilling your dream to travel in Spain!














Madrid, Apr., 2006


Dear Lau:


Madrid is a little different from Andalusia in the cultural atmosphere.


Here in front of Museum of Prado I got a rare precious experience of my soul being purified, listening to the music of Bach played by an anonymous street guitarist. It seems that this city tries to resist to Andalusian culture. There in Jerez, you know, I experienced a deep feeling of my eyes being wet in stoic resignation through flamenco cante in the falling rain outside.








Madrid, Apr., 2006


Dear Lau:

My visit to Madrid would be ended as just a
short tourism, If I had not had a good luck, as below, 


to meet a street guitarist playing a Bach ,
to take a long walk in the Museo of MNCARS where I
stood looking at a modern painting titled Louvre


together with other several modern artworks familiar to me,
and lastly to find an time-worn  cinema hall 5 minutes walk away


from the hostel MAD where I have stayed, which gave me as a gift a movie


regarding Carmen Amaya dancing flamenco.



Late at my last night in Spain here, dim and drizzling outside


I sit in a bar alone with my ears given to classical musics


over vino blanco and smoking tobacco.


That is a rare experience for me to taste a deep solitude,


a kind of an ordor of nostalgia, pure and dry.


different from the loneliness, sorrowful and wet.



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