
검은 숲의 네명의 나그네 1

jhkmsn 2022. 6. 16. 16:15



Four Travelers in the Schwarzwald Forest

Four strangers- a carpenter, a designer, a priest, and a poet- deep night in the Black Forest mold a human from the stump of a tree and breathe life into his body. And they greet the dawn with amazement, looking at the woman given a life of miracle. This anecdote was in a German textbook during my high school days, and even now, the story in my memory from time to time inspires imagination.

It goes as follows: The travelers on their long journey met the night in the thick, black Schwardwald Forest. They settled in one place in the woods, lighted a bonfire, and decided to set a watch one by one so that they could sleep peacefully. They were afraid of the night in the forest shrouded in deep darkness.

The carpenter was the first vigilant


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