Impressions of Andalusian Cities
Feb. 2020
Hello, Maria!
How are you?
In Jerez, where you are staying, how is the Corona 19 pandemic?
Corona 19 is still intimidating here, so I am almost stuck at home except for outdoor walks alone. However, this first situation encourages me to write. As I write, I forget the reality of this severe discomfort. No, instead, the mind is busy with the active imagination. Now I feel like I'm receiving a considerable reward unexpectedly through writing a reminiscence about Andalusia I traveled the past day. Here's the beginning of that.
Take care
Hagya was surprised that Cadiz was founded in 1100 B.C. by Phoenician sailors and, in particular, the oldest city in the Western world. Cadiz was a decisive gateway to the wealthy coast that was called Tartesseus since the era of Herodotus. Tartesseus is an area bordering the Guadalquivir River, where Seville, an essential hub in southern Spain, is located. Seville's southern region to Cadiz was the center of maritime power for at least 3000 years. And also, unexpectedly, the city played a vital role in Greek mythology.
Cadiz and Seville in Andalusia are the lands where Hercules and Geryon appear in Greek mythology! How these mythical characters are deeply related to cattle! There is a myth that the goddess Hera, determined to make Hercules' trouble, made him lose his mind. In a confused and angry state, he killed his own wife and children. When he awakened from his "temporary insanity," Hercules was shocked and upset by what he'd done. He prayed to the god Apollo for guidance, and the god's oracle told him he would have to serve Eurystheus, the king of Tiryns and Mycenae, for twelve years, in punishment for the murders. As part of his sentence, Hercules had to perform twelve Labors, feats that seemed too difficult for him to overcome. Fortunately, Hercules had Hermes and Athena's help, sympathetic deities who showed up when he needed help.
Other myths speak of Hercules and King Geryon's fatal encounter in Cadiz (called 'Gadeira' and 'Erytheia'): The 10th labor of Hercules was to capture the cattle of Geryon from Erytheia, an island near present Gilbraltar, and to do this, he first journeyed to Tartessus. Arriving at Erytheia, Hercules killed Geryon, the three-bodied winged giant. To bring back the cattle of Geryon, king of Cadiz, Hercules had many side-adventures on this labor, including inadvertently building the Pillars of Hercules at Gibraltar and threatening to shoot the sun with his arrows for making him too hot.
When he finally reached Cadiz, he had many problems rounding up the cattle, including having to chase down a bull. Hera sent gadflies to sting the beasts and scattered them, so Hercules had to round them up again. Then the princess 'Celtine', the daughter of Bretannus and mother of Celtus, saw Hercules and fell in love with him. She hid the cattle and would not divulge their whereabouts unless he had sex with her. He did this and so became the father of Celtus, the progenitor of the Celts. He finally brought the cattle back to Eurystheus, who accepted the labor as legitimate.
On the other hand, in the Mediterranean, sacrificing bulls dates back to prehistoric times. In Greece, for example, killing the minotaur is symbolic of a bullfight. As we know it, bullfighting started in the village squares and became formalized, with the bullring building in Ronda in the late 18th century. From that time, it began to follow a particular sequence of events: the bull's entrance, the picador, the banderilleros, and finally, the matador (bullfighter). Many of the picadors' horses were injured in the early days, so these heavy horses now wear protection. A book on Andalusia informed him of no less than 70 bullrings in the province, and Seville is the most important.
The origins of this strange, compelling ritual in Andalusia were lost in time. What form the ritual took is now impossible to say. Still, during the Visigothic era around the 5th Century A.D., the taunting of bulls by young men to prove their courage or their profound stupidity began to assume the aspects of a formalized spectacle. The men would subject the animals to humiliating taunts and leap or somersault over them when they charged. .
The Moors, who prided themselves on their horsemanship, developed the style known as "rejoneando". A rider, invariably a nobleman, would confront the bull, using a "rejón" lance. In this version, the men on foot were reduced to mere ciphers whose function was to direct the bulls towards their mounted masters. "Rejonear" became a sensation. Throughout Spain crumbling old Roman amphitheaters were suddenly in great demand as settings for the spectacle. Small towns and villages with no suitable sites threw up makeshift arenas in fields beyond the town boundary or increasingly in the town square or plaza. This custom would eventually give the name Plaza de Toros to every bullring in Spain.
석사.박사 학위 논문을 준비하는 분들을 위해 이 게시문을 올립니다.
학위논문의 기본사항인 영문요약문 작성을 도와드립니다.
본 블로거는 오래동안 영문의 글을 많이 집필해 온 저술가입니다.
아래의 1. 2의 사항과 관련하여 전문적인 도움이 필요할 경우,
본 블로그의 아래 이메일 주소로 문의 및 상담 내용을 보내주시면 됩니다:
1. 인문, 예술, 사회 및 정치학 분야의 석박사 학위논문의 영문 요약 작성.
2.한국어로 된 , 서평이나 미술평 또는 수필 논문 등의 영문번역.
3. 북리뷰니 예술비평의 영문 원고의 교정과 첨삭 (인문 예술 및 정치학 관련)
*본 블로거에 관하여.
현재 국영문 저술활동.
소설, 과거의 우물, 플라멩코 이야기, '창동인블루'( 1에서 7까지 시리즈)의 저자.
영문소설,Landscapes Invisible(미국인 플라멩코 댄서와 한국인 여행자의 우정에 관한 이야기)의
연세대학교 정치외교학과 졸업
경북대학교 대학원 정치외교학과 졸업
문학서 Cafe Society: 카페소사이어티(책세상,1993)
국제정치학:The rise and Fall of Detente-미소데탕트론(창문각,1988)
국제정치학: Cold war or Detente in the 1980s-80sus-80년대의 미.소관계
미술:Modern and Primitive Art- 원시미술과 현대미술(도서출판 문하,1996)
Flamenco Journey (e-book), 미국의 BookTango출판사에서 발간
Landscapes Invisible,미국의 Authorhouse에서 발간. 현재 Amazon에서 판매중
Farewell Party. 현재 본 볼르거의 영문 사이트.http:// www.hstlrjh.com에서 연재중.
* About the Author of 'Farewell Party'
(현재 영국의 P 출판사에 송고한 원고에 첨부된 작가소개)
Joon Kim is the author of Landscapes Invisible, a literary book of fact- fiction now available at Amazon and Barnett & Nobles. He is a writer and flamenco performance planner, doctorate in international politics, lives in Masan, South Korea, where he was born in 1944.
Joon Kim has written eight literary books in Korean and one e-book in English and translated four English books into Korean. He worked for Kyung Nam Domin Daily in Kyung Nam Do as an editorial writer (1999-2001). The author produced and directed five flamenco-pansori performances (2005- 2013).
He is the author of seven fact-fiction books in Korean on local painters and their artworks, in a series titled "Chang Dong in Blue," published for 15 years of 2004-2019.
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